The RS181 series of voltage output, current shunt monitors (also called current-sense amplifiers) can sense drops across shunts at common-mode voltages from -0.1V to 26V, independent of the supply voltage. Three fixed gains are available: 20V/V, 50V/V, 100V/V. The device integrate a matched resistor gain network, this matched gain resistor network minimizes gain error and reduces the temperature drift.
RS181 series of voltage output, current shuntmonitors (also called
current-sense amplifiers) cansense drops across shunts at common-mode
voltagesfrom -0.1V to 26V, independent of the supply voltage.Three fixed
gains are available: 20V/V, 50V/V,100V/V. The device integrate a
matched resistor gainnetwork, this matched gain resistor
networkminimizes gain error and reduces the temperaturedrift.
devices operate from a single 3V to 5.5V powersupply, drawing a maximum
of 270μA of supplycurrent. The RS181 families of operational
amplifiersare specified at the full temperature range of −40°Cto +125°C,
and offered in SOT23-6 package.