The RSA408X are high-side, current-sense amplifiers with an input voltage range that extends from 5V to 76V making them ideal for telecom, automotive, backplane, and other systems where high-voltage current monitoring is critical. The RSA4080 is designed for unidirectional current-sense applications and the RSA4081 allows bidirectional current sensing. The RSA4081 single output pin continuously monitors the transition from charge to discharge and avoids the need for a separate polarity output. The RSA4081 requires an external reference to set the zero-current output level (VSENSE = 0V). The charging current is represented by an output voltage from VREF to VCC, while discharge current is given from VREF to GND.
The RSA408X are high-side, current-sense amplifierswith an input voltage range that extends from 5V to76V making them ideal for telecom, automotive,backplane, and other systems where high-voltagecurrent monitoring is critical. The RSA4080 isdesigned for unidirectional current-sense applicationsand the RSA4081 allows bidirectional current sensing.The RSA4081 single output pin continuouslymonitors the transition from charge to discharge andavoids the need for a separate polarity output. TheRSA4081 requires an external reference to set thezero-current output level (VSENSE = 0V). The chargingcurrent is represented by an output voltage from VREF to VCC, while discharge current is given from VREF toGND.
For maximum versatility, the 76V input voltage rangeapplies independently to both supply voltage (VCC)and common-mode input voltage (VRS+). High-sidecurrent monitoring does not interfere with the groundpath of the load being measured, making theRSA408X particularly useful in a wide range of highvoltage systems.The combination of four gain versions (20V/V, 50V/V,60V/V, 100V/V= A, B, C, D suffix) and a userselectable, external sense resistor sets the full-scalecurrent reading and its proportional output voltage.The RSA408X offer a high level of integration,resulting in a simple, accurate, and compact currentsense solution.
The RSA408X is available in Green SOP8 and MSOP8 packages. It operates over an ambient temperaturerange of -40°C to 125°C.